I was raised in the southwest of the United States. I grew up very poor with a single mother. At one point living in a Subaru at the age of two for several months before my mom could buy a mobile home. I would live in mobile homes till I graduated from high school. From 8 years old to 18 years old the neighborhood I lived in was made of many different personalities, including lots of gangs. All these different people being my friends, as we lived far outside the city at that time. Influencing me for the better and worse.
I played soccer since I was four years old and baseball starting at 5. Soccer became my main sport and was one of the main reasons I was able not to go down a more troubled road. It was not just the game but also the parents of who helped part time raise me. I did get involved in many other sports too, but playing soccer and the families that helped support me were one of the main reasons I was able to change my life path. The other was some of my teachers.
At 8 years old I still could not read when I moved back to the town I was born in. after doing a four-year stint in another state nearby. Math and science I could do, just not read or write really. There I meet my first teacher that I can remember who made a huge influence on me. Taking more time out of her day to help me one on one. Every year after that I had teachers giving me extra encouragement and one on ones. Some of it was school related and some of it was trying to get me on the right path of life.
During all these years it was Parents, Teachers, coaches and other family members supporting me with what they could. Buying me school materials, sports equipment, cloths, toys and other daily things. It was through this generosity of others and my mom that I was instilled the virtue of helping others. Weather you had tons of money or just getting by. That helping others is human.
After High school I went to the University of New Mexico for a year and a half. During which time I played Ultimate Frisbee for the club team and recreational soccer. I did not have a true direction in what I wanted to be. So, when I left, I moved back to my hometown with a friend’s mom, one of my other moms, until I could make my own money for rent. I became a bellman, then moved in with a friend. Then becoming a snow bum for the winter as a ski Lifty. With no direction in life still. I decided I needed something to put me on a better path. One that would instill me discipline, structure, brotherhood and much more. As I was about to leave high school I was looking into the military. I went back to looking into it.
When I was 21, I joined the United States Coast Guard where I did search and rescue and law enforcement for four years. I was at a surf unit in northern California. I had a great time, many fun missions, making new brothers for life, and learning many life skills. Even getting awarded the US Coast Guard Achievement medal for life saving performance. While there I learned to mountain bike, road ride, climb, long distance run, backpacking and much more.
After my honorable discharge I moved to Phetchaburi, Thailand to volunteer teach PE and Health. Phetchaburi is a very local town with minimal foreigners living there and not a real destination for travelers. I feel in love with teaching, coaching and understanding cultures. While there I was able to play soccer with the towns team. The only foreigner out there. Only a couple could speak very little English, but we all spoke Futbol. After months of playing, they let me become one of the first foreigners to play for them in real games against other towns. This was a huge honor. I found out too from one of my teammates that they had a nickname for me. The nickname was Mot, meaning ant, a name usually meant for girls. I finally realized why they would all laugh when they called me that. I loved it and had some jerseys with Mot on the back.
It was here that I was awakened to third world cultures and needs. Thailand has many villages and areas all over the country that pretty much have nothing. Like the Karen who had no true home. Being displaced from their homeland and were, still are to this day, refuges on the western boarder of Thailand. Other sad areas like the northeast where they really have nothing. Same in Loas, as I got to go up there for a little while. I thought I had it bad when I grew up. But seeing these communities I realized how privileged I was. Also understanding that many places do not have access or money to everyday things first world countries have. Learning that all countries are awesome and that many need help, like I did while growing up. That there are many kids who do not have access to sports equipment, school supplies, or a toy to make a kid dream and learn easier.
Upon returning home in 2007 I went back to school where I had done my Military. Attending Humboldt State University, I started classes for a degree in Anthropology. The study of cultures. On winter break I headed back to my hometown for Christmas, the first time in 6 years, reuniting with an old great friend and who would become my future wife. She convinced me to move to Omaha, Nebraska where she was in school. I started attending University of Nebraska of Lincoln in the Anthropology Department.
In the summer of 2009, I went on a trip to Namibia in Africa with my now dad, adult adopted at 33, that’s another story for later. Where I felt something deep inside me and a need to fill what little room I had left in my suitcase with school supplies. Just in case we were able to stop at a village with no access or means to have them. On the Skeleton Coast, we drove for hours and were lucky enough to stop by a Himba school that did need what little I brought. I also saw they had only had a soccer field right next to the room. This made me think I need to bring not only school stuff, but soccer balls too.
In 2010 I went to Guyana, South America, and brought a little more supplies but still not a lot. I did not have the money to buy more at the time. The guide knew that we wanted to see a school there and took us to one. Once there we were greeted by the man running the school. I also noticed a soccer field. Again, only a soccer field. I was able to give what I had. The teachers and kids were so happy, it made me feel really good that I brought something. They even stopped what they were working on, and all together sang us a song. So awesome and amazing. I wish I had more was becoming a theme. They also asked for money to help with more school supplies. As they did not have much money and no money coming in from other avenues. We did give them money while we were there and more for months after returning home.
This was the start of me always bringing and extra bag with only school supplies, then soccer balls and last stuffed animals with me to every country that I felt would need them. As well as making sure the guide knew before I arrived what my plan was. Making sure I went to villages, towns or areas that needed this help. After Guyana I have been able to help in Peru, Bolivia, Burma/Myanmar, Mexico and other places.
Many other things happened since Guyana as well. In 2011 I got married. In 2012 I got a degree in PreK to 12th grade Physical education from The University of Nebraska at Omaha. A couple classes short of another degree in sociology with an emphasis in anthropology. In 2012 we moved back to our hometown and started our life together. Working, becoming a World Class Triathlete, racing mountain bikes and recreational sports player. In 2016 I had my first daughter and became a stay-at-home dad. Then in 2018 I had my second and last daughter. Having two girls at young ages and traveling to these areas is why I decided to start bringing stuffed animals and dolls. I got divorced in 2023 and have been excited for the next chapter of my life.
I now do as much as I can for my girls and others. Currently I am on the board of our schools Parent Teacher Kid (PTK) group, coach the schools elementary swim team, coach soccer, coach baseball and other activities. I am also working on videos of how to teach proper progressions for sports skills for kids under 8. I have also started a men’s reading club, dedicated to reading things that can change our mind set for a more positive life. Other things I love to do is hang with friends, read, hike, meditate, Wim Hoff, play with my dogs, watch the sun rise and fall, work out, ski, ride, fish, disk golf, scuba dive, paddle board, kayak, hunt, camp and more.